Although the weather may not (yet) feel like summer, Cambridge Museum of Technology's Summer at the Museum seasonal programme is in full swing, with weekly openings on Sundays (2pm-5pm) and special events:

Sherlock Holmes visits Cambridge

On 26th April 2017 in the atmospheric old pumping station, Robert Lloyd Parry (aka Nunkie Theatre) read two Sherlock Holmes stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle in aid of the Engineer's House appeal: The Creeping Man and The Dying Detective.

Robert Lloyd Parry retold both stories with local Cambridge twists! Nunkie has previously performed readings by H.G. Wells (The Crystal Egg / The Remarkable Case of Davidson's Eyes), and Charles Dickens (The Signalman).

Look out for more Nunkie readings from the oeuvre of late-19th-century novellists in Cambridge Museum of Technology's What's On guide!

Thirsty Riverside biergarten

Thirsty Cambridge opened its Riverside, German-style biergarten over the May bank holiday weekend. The biergarten, open weekends throughout the summer, will complement the museum's Summer at the Museum programme of activities, offering a wide selection of food and drink from around the world!

GeoCache and Physical Web Puzzle Challenge

Having launched an Internet-of-Things (IoT) interactive visitor guide at the Cambridge Museum of Technology in September 2016 (using the Physical Web and Bluetooth Beacons in collaboration with technology company ARM), HistoryWorks has now extended the trail across east Cambridge, offering a Global Positioning System (GPS) Geocache puzzle. Available 24-hours a day, you can use it to explore the Museum and the landscape of east Cambridge.

For more information about the museum's summer programme and redevelopment plans, subscribe to Cambridge Museum of Technology News and/or follow us on social media:
