Highlights — Cambridge Museum of Technology

Cambridge is famous for its university, historic buildings, and high-tech companies. Its industrial history has been overlooked and little remains of the former industrial landscape. Cambridge Museum of Technology tells this hidden history.

Cambridge Museum of Technology is the home of our industrial heritage. Based in the city’s historic sewage pumping station, the Museum helps people to explore, enjoy, and learn about their industrial heritage by celebrating the achievements of local industries and the people who worked in them.

These are some of the highlights of a visit to the Museum.


The Introduction to the Museum, which features a short film and an interactive model of the Pumping Station

The Steam Engine Room with its magnificent Hathorn Davey engines


The Pye Building, which houses new exhibitions on local companies Pye and Cambridge Instrument Company


The Top Bay, featuring displays on Cambridge’s forgotten industries and push-button-operated machinery


The Boiler House with two original boilers and the recently-restored No. 4 Boiler, which was added in 1923


The Print Room, which opens for demonstrations on afternoons on the second Sunday of the month


The Valve Yard, a pleasant place to relax or enjoy a picnic with historic pumps and views of the River Cam


The Gas Engine Room, added to the Pumping Station in 1909


The Ash Disposal Railway, which runs between the Ash Tunnel and the Electric Winch House on special event days