And the Museum's transformation has begun! — Cambridge Museum of Technology

In March, the Heritage Lottery Fund gave the Museum permission to begin spending its grant for the redevelopment of the museum and the transformation is underway.

About the project

What has happened recently

Trustees Mike Blackburn and John Little have been working with our architects, Freeland Rees Roberts, to develop the designs for the café and the flexible learning and exhibition space. The plans are close to being finalised and we will soon start the tendering process for construction.

The Boiler Committee are preparing the heritage No. 4 boiler for inspection. This will provide us with a comprehensive list of work required for its refurbishment, which can then be put out to tender. Historic England have awarded the Museum a grant to support this work.

Images courtesy of Ian Whittingham

In April, the Museum welcomed Morgan Bell as Assistant Curator. Morgan will be working on the curatorial elements of the project, such as reviewing the collection and moving it off-site during construction, as well as supporting Curator Pam Halls on other parts of the project.

The Museum has also appointed the the exhibition designers, RFA Design. RFA Design are an experienced and award-winning team who have worked on other industrial museums, such as the Lion Salt Works and the National Coal Mining Museum for England. The designers have visited the Museum and are further developing the plans for interpretation and signage around the site.

To support this work, a new Collections Committee has been formed. It is made up of staff and subject specialists. Curator Pam Halls is leading the committee, which is currently working on the themes, stories, and objects for each display.

Meanwhile... The museum is still open to the public on Sundays 2pm - 5pm and we have recently welcomed student filmmakers, an arts-based charity for learning-disabled people, and a local cubs group.

We still need your help!

Although the project has started, we still need to raise more money for parts of the project not covered by the Heritage Lottery Fund, as well as meet ongoing costs while the Museum is closed for the redevelopment. Even a small donation will help us successfully complete the project.

You can donate by cheque payable to Cambridge Museum of Technology, through our Charity Choice page, or through JustGiving. You can also collect free donations for the project every time you shop online with Easy Fundraising. Any amount you are able to give will help us complete the project. Thank you!

