Opening hours and prices — Cambridge Museum of Technology

Your ticket purchase helps us to preserve and demonstrate the industrial and technological heritage of Cambridge for the inspiration, enjoyment and education of all.

Opening Hours

Friday, Saturday and Sunday

10.30am to 4pm (Last admission is an hour before closing time.)


Opening additional times over school holidays — please check our websites for specific dates.

Gift aid* ticket Prices

Adults - £6.00

Concessions* - £5.00

Children aged 5 to 18 - £4.00

Children under 5 - Free

Families of two adults and up to four children - £16.00

Families of one adult and up to four children - £10.00

Museum members and volunteers - Free

Museum Association members - Free

stanDard ticket Prices

Adults - £5.40

Concessions* - £4.50

Children aged 5 to 18 - £3.50

Children under 5 - Free

Families of two adults and up to four children - £14.00

Families of one adult and up to four children - £9.00

Museum members and volunteers - Free

Museum Association members - Free

Gift Aid *Steam Day ticket Prices

Adults - £10.00

Concessions* - £8.50

Children aged 5 to 18 - £5.50

Children under 5 - Free

Families of two adults and up to four children - £25.50

Families of one adult and up to four children - £15.50

Museum members and volunteers - Free

Museum Association members - Free

Standard steam day ticket Prices

Adults - £9.00

Concessions* - £7.50

Children aged 5 to 18 - £5.00

Children under 5 - Free

Families of two adults and up to four children - £23.00

Families of one adult and up to four children - £14.00

Museum members and volunteers - Free

Museum Association members - Free

*Gift Aid donations must be supported by a valid Gift Aid declaration, and a Gift Aid declaration can only cover donations made by an individual for themselves and members of their family.

  • Gift Aid Admission includes a minimum of 10% voluntary donation

  • Must be payer of UK Income tax or Capital Gains tax

  • The Museum reclaims 25% of the whole amount paid from the Government

  • Note - A £5 Gift Aid ticket is made up of £4.50 for entry and a £0.50 donation. The Museum receives an extra £1.75 made up of your additional £0.50 plus £1.25 Gift Aid.

  • Concessions are seniors (65+), disabled visitors in receipt of PIP, students, and recipients of Universal Credit. Accompanying carers for disabled visitors are free.

Ticket prices can be changed for special event days (WHERE MARKED ON EVENT PAGES)

We accept cash, Visa and Mastercard only.