Making Impressions: Museum of Technology volunteer presents at national printing conference — Cambridge Museum of Technology

Museum volunteer SU MORRIS presents at national printing conference

In May 2023, Museum of Technology volunteer Su Morris presented at the St Bride Foundation (London) as part of St Bride’s annual celebration ("Wayzgoose") of the printing museums of Great Britain and Ireland.


Su explained the history of Cambridge Museum of Technology’s Print Shop, which has operated in the Museum’s converted Print Shop since the 1970s, highlighting how volunteers scoured the city – including the University Press, Cambridge School of Art – for (working) exhibits, thereby preserving a printing legacy in the city that stretches back over 500 years. 


Outlining the role of a “maker museum” as a hub for both STEM + Arts, Su explained how these converge in the Print team’s current activities and future plans (using 21st-century print technology): 

  • collaborations with typographers (Lettering Arts Trust) who use the Museum’s printing presses to print from laser-cut alphabet letters 

  • detective work and experimental reconstruction to track down and recreate missing letters (using 3D printing) to restore a unique font-set. 

Inspired to volunteer?

Interested in volunteering? We have a role for everyone! 

Photo credits:

St Bride Foundation

