In May 2016, Cambridge Museum of Technology hosted Anglia Ruskin Cambridge School of Art for its exhibition Revolve, featuring second-year arts students.
Exhibition excerpts below. More previews are available online at:
Loop the Loop by Rosemary Wellings (photo: Claire Meade)
Knot Or Unknot? by Rosemary Wellings (photo: Gordon Davies)
Chiaroscuro by Emma Dullingham (photo: Claire Meade)
You May Rest, by Lucy Blatchford (photo: Claire Meade)
Cambridge's Hidden Gem, by Lucy Brewis (photo: Claire Meade)
Systems, by Chloe Hurst (photo: Claire Meade)
Vanitas, by James Foard (photo: Claire Meade)
Buttered, by Ozge Eroglu (photo: Claire Meade)