Preparation for construction continues... — Cambridge Museum of Technology

After an excellent end to 2017 when we secured extra funding and appointed contractors, we have had a busy start to 2018 with further preparations for our building and boiler work.

We still need your help with fundraising!

We still need to raise more money! You can donate online through Charity Choice or through JustGiving. To donate by text, text 'CMOT01 £3' / 'CMOT01 £5' / 'CMOT01 £10' to 70070. Or why not Adopt an Object - for yourself or as a unique gift.

If your company is interested in sponsoring a display, an interactive exhibit, or a building, get in touch to find out more about our corporate sponsorship packages.

About the project

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What has happened recently

At the beginning of the month, the Museum welcomed Jinx St.Léger as Education Officer. Jinx was inspired to pursue a career in engineering at the age of six when she visited the Science Museum and saw a beam engine.  She has a degree in mechanical engineering and has worked in both engineering and education. She will be developing the learning programme for the Museum.

Preparations have begun for the repair work on the historic boiler. Volunteers have been cleaning the boiler fittings so that they are ready to be replaced. We also met with Thorne International Boiler Services, who will be doing the work, and Historic England, who are financially supporting it.

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As well as packing up our smaller collections, we have been moving our larger objects to clear the site for construction. The larger ones have included the gas main from the Magdalene Bridge and a Scanning Electron Microprobe made by Cambridge Instrument Company to analyse metallic specimens. The former will become part of an outdoor display on the Cambridge Gas Works and the latter will be a star exhibit in the new permanent exhibition on Cambridge Instrument Company.


Meanwhile... The Museum's open day on New Year's Eve (the last until after our redevelopment) was a big success and the Museum also had a stall at the London Model Engineering Exhibition to show off models of our steam pumping engines.

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