Join Curator Pam Halls and historian Harriet O’Rourke on a virtual cruise down the Cam looking at the industrial history of Cambridge from a different angle. Much of the town’s industry grew up along the banks of the river; from brewing to brick making, from gas works to galvanometers, you could find them all next to the river. We’ll be sharing the stories behind some of the innovations that came out of Cambridge and the industries that kept the town running.
This is the the fifth in the series of webinars which explore a different side of Cambridge, featuring:
the industrial history and archaeology of Cambridge
highlights from the museum’s collections and exhibitions.
Webinar series produced by Gordon Davies.
Three ways to watch this webinar live:
Microsoft Teams Live Event (webinar broadcast with multi-language live captions, followed by live Q&A with the presenters)
YouTube Premiere (webinar-broadcast only, English subtitles)
Facebook Premiere (webinar only, English subtitles)
Watch again: webinar replays
June 2020: Crossing the Cam: David Stubbings, Chairman of Chesterton Local History Group presents an illustrated history of ferries in Cambridge.
May 2020: Museum of Technology volunteers continue the exploration of energy utilities and lighting, with a webinar in two acts:
Act I: The Year Without A Summer
Act 2: Seeing the Light
April 2020: Town, gown (and clergy) in Cambridge's first industrial revolution: Cambridge University & Town Gas-Light Company.