Lighting up the Spackman Building at the Cambridge Museum of Technology
Extreme Electronics hosts Tesla coil builders of the UK (TCBOUK) at the Cambridge Museum of Technology for the annual hair-raising demonstration of electrostatics and more!
- Saturday, October 29, 2016, 11am-5pm
- Sunday, October 30, 2016, 11am-3pm
Visitors welcome (please check Teslathon Public Safety notice below for conditions of entry):
Public Admission: Adults £3.50 / Concessions £2.00 / Children £1.50
Re-animating Nikola Tesla!
Douglas Acheampong, aka "DouG ScieNce" will be on hand to personify Nikola Tesla, and explain how Tesla's ideas have. Watch the teaser trailer:
What is a Teslathon?

A Teslathon is an informal meeting of people interested in building high-voltage equipment, teslacoils, multipliers, van de graff’s, wimshurst machines, violet ray machines, induction coils, and the opportunity to bring, test, experiment, demonstrate and view any of the equipment that other exhibitors have brought.
Teslathons are highly experimental, with technologists often pushing their equipment to breaking point in search of spectacular electrostatic discharges.
Public Safety Notice and Disclaimer
Reviewed (24th October 2016) by the organisers Tesla-coil builders of the UK (TCBOUK):
All equipment that uses or generates high voltages is potentially DANGEROUS. Tesla Coils have the potential to be DANGEROUS since they can strike in any direction without warning and not necessarily to the nearest earth!
Public visitors to the Teslathon should be aware:
Do not enter the coiler’s area without permission and Do Not Touch ANYTHING, without the permission of the Equipment Owner. Even if it appears to be safe. Capacitors can store lethal charges for a long time after the power has been removed.
No Children below the age of 5 admitted without special supervision. Any children playing, running around or being disruptive in any way whatsoever will be asked to leave the hall.
Be Careful when moving around the Hall as there WILL be cables and equipment on the floor and its location WILL CHANGE throughout the day.
Spectators stand at least 2X the maximum streamer distance away from the coils when they are running or being tested prior to a run. It is everyone’s responsibility to ensure this is adhered to. If you are unsure ASK or move further back…
When coils are running, it is everyone’s responsibility to be vigilant, on the lookout for dangers, and to alert the operator if it is unsafe to continue.
It is recommended that ear defenders be worn when equipment is operating and spectators are advised not to look at spark gaps (rotary or otherwise) while in operation. Ear plugs are available in the Museum entrance.
Anyone with a pacemaker or cochlear implant must not enter the hall.
Ozone produced by the coils may irritate the throat, especially anyone with breathing difficulties (e.g asthma). If you are affected, move out of the hall as quickly as possible.
Do not bring drinks into the hall.
Electric Wheelchairs must be switched OFF
Please be careful whilst at the Teslathon and enjoy the display!
More About Extreme Electronics and 2016 Cambridge Teslathon:
- Extreme Electronics Website: for exhibitors and visitors
- Follow Extreme Electronics @ExtElec on Twitter
- More about the physics of high-voltage experiments
- Photos courtesy of Extreme Electronics (except where otherwise credited)