Innovative mobile application offers a new way for visitors to navigate the Cambridge Museum of Technology

A new and expanded version of the museum's trail guide will launch in September 2016, enriching the visitor experience and improving accessibility.
From Sunday, September 11, 2016, visitors to the Cambridge Museum of Technology will have three choices to access the trail guide :

  • printed leaflets: available on-site (donated by Historyworks)
  • online: at Historyworks Website
  • Physical Web application: for tablets and smartphones, download the app on Google Play Store (for Android), or iTunes (for Apple iOS) and enable Bluetooth

Devised by Helen Weinstein (Creative Director of Historyworks) in collaboration with Pam Halls (Curator of the Cambridge Museum of Technology), the online and Physical Web trail takes the visitor on 12 stops with audio narrative, photographs and a transcription for each stop.

Cambridge Museum of Technology Trail Guide (leaflet version) September 2016

The Bluetooth beacon trail (enabled by the Physical Web app) adds to the Museum’s existing interpretation because it enhances accessibility and enables people to engage with the pumping station’s history 24 hours a day (even when the physical museum is shut!). Download the Physical Web app, activate and interact with Cambridge's industrial past and present as you pass along Riverside, Cambridge!

Full press release by Historyworks.

Bluetooth Beacons at Cambridge Museum of Technology: visitors can discover more about the museum through the augmented guide, available through the Physical Web app on mobile devices

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